The Lambda Calculus


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A Quote to Start the Day

You realize that everything can be done with function composition?… It’s called lambda calculus.

—Joseph McKinsey

The Lambda Calculus

The \(λ\)-calculus is a mathematical language of lambda terms bound by a set of transformation rules. The \(λ\)-calculus notation was introduced in the 1930s by Alonzo Church.

Just like programming languages, the \(λ\)-calculus has rules for what is a valid syntax:

Variables:A variable (such as \(x\)) is valid term in the \(λ\)-calculus.
Abstractions:If \(t\) is a term and \(x\) is a variable, then the term \(λx.t\) is a lambda abstraction.
Applications:If \(t\) and \(s\) are terms, then \(ts\) is the application term of \(t\) onto \(s\).

Anonymous Functions

Lambda abstractions can be thought of as anonymous functions in the \(λ\)-calculus.

A lambda abstraction which takes an \(x\) and returns a \(t\) is written as so:



Suppose in mathematics we define a function \(f(x) = x + 2\). This could be written as \((λ x.x + 2)\) in the \(λ\)-calculus [1]. Of course, this function is anonymous and not bound to the name \(f\).

[1]Of course, we haven’t said that either \(+\) nor \(2\) is valid in lambda calculus yet. We will get to that…

Functions are First Class

In the \(λ\)-calculus, abstractions are not only first class functions, they are our only way of to encode data.

Abstractions are used to encode everything:

  • Numbers
  • Booleans (true/false)
  • Conses


Since abstractions in the \(λ\)-calculus may only take one argument, currying is typically used to denote functions of multiple arguments. For example, the function \(f(x, y) = x\) might be written as:


Further, function application is left-associative, so \(fxy\) means \((fx)y\).

Free and Bound Variables

The \(λ\) operator (which creates lambda abstractions) binds a variable to wherever it occurs in the expression.

  • Variables which are bound in an expression are called bound variables
  • Variables which are not bound in an expression are called free variables


With your learning group, identify the free and bound variables in this expression:



 Allows variables to be renamed to non-colliding names. For example, \(λx.x\) is \(\alpha\)-equivalent to \(λy.y\).
 Allows functions to be applied. For example, \((λx.λy.x)(λx.x)\) is \(\beta\)-equivalent to \(λy.(λx.x)\).
 Allows functions with the same external properties to be substituted. For example, \((λx.(fx))\) is \(\eta\)-equivalent to \(f\) if \(x\) is not a free variable in \(f\).

Examples: Alpha Equivalence

With your learning group, identify if each of the following are a valid \(\alpha\)-conversion. Turn in your answers on a sheet of paper with all of your names at the end of class for learning group participation credit for today.

  1. \(λx.λx.x \to λy.λy.y\)
  2. \(λx.λx.x \to λy.λx.x\)
  3. \(λx.λx.x \to λy.λx.y\)
  4. \(λx.λy.x \to λy.λy.y\)

Examples: Beta Reductions

Fully \(\beta\)-reduce each of the following expressions:

  1. \((λx.λy.λf.fxy)(λx.λy.y)(λx.λy.x)(λx.λy.y)\)
  2. \((λa.λb.a(λb.λf.λx.f(bfx))b)(λf.λx.fx)(λf.λx.f(fx))\)

Church Numerals

Since all data in the \(λ\)-calculus must be a function, we use a clever convention of functions (called Church numerals) to define numbers:


… and so on. In fact, the successor to any number \(n\) can be written as:


Notice this

Defining numbers as functions in this way allows us to apply a Chuch numeral \(n\) to a function to get a new function that applies the original function \(n\) times.

Shorthand Notations

While it’s not a defined part of the \(λ\)-calculus, we define common shorthands for some features:

  • \(0, 1, 2, \ldots\) are shorthand for their corresponding Church numerals
  • \(\{\text{SUCC}\} = λn.λf.λx.f(nfx)\)


The notation “\(=\)” above is not a part of the \(λ\)-calculus. I’m using it for saying “is shorthand for”.

Addition and Multiplication

Adding \(m\) to \(n\) can be thought of as taking the successor to \(n\), \(m\) times. Using our shorthand \(\text{SUCC}\), this can be written as:

\[\{\text{ADD}\} = λm.λn.(m \,\{\text{SUCC}\}\, n)\]

Similarly, multiplying \(m\) by \(n\) can be thought of as repeating \(\text{ADD}\, n\), \(m\) times and then applying it to \(0\), this can be written as:

\[\{\text{MULT}\} = λm.λn.(m (\{\text{ADD}\}\, n) 0)\]

Boolean Logic

We use the following convention for true and false:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} \{\text{TRUE}\} &= λx.λy.x \\ \{\text{FALSE}\} &= λx.λy.y \qquad\text{(Church numeral zero}) \end{split}\end{split}\]

From here, we can define some common boolean operators:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} \{\text{AND}\} &= λp.λq.p q p \\ \{\text{OR}\} &= λp.λq.p p q \\ \{\text{NOT}\} &= λp.p\ \{\text{FALSE}\}\ \{\text{TRUE}\} \\ \{\text{IF}\} &= λp.λa.λb.p a b \\ & \text{ (returns $a$ if the predicate is TRUE, $b$ otherwise)} \end{split}\end{split}\]

Cons Cells

By convention, we will represent a cons cell as a function that applies its argument to the CAR and CDR of the cons cell. This leads to the shorthand:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} \{\text{CONS}\} &= λx.λy.λf.f x y \\ \{\text{CAR}\} &= λc.c\ \{\text{TRUE}\} \\ \{\text{CDR}\} &= λc.c\ \{\text{FALSE}\} \\ \{\text{NIL}\} &= λx.\{\text{TRUE}\} \\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

Using this, we can define lists:

\[(\{\text{CONS}\}\, 1\ (\{\text{CONS}\}\, 2\ (\{\text{CONS}\}\, 3\ \{\text{NIL}\})))\]

What else is there in Lambda Calculus?

  • Getting the predecessor ({PRD}) for a Church Numeral is hard, but doable (extra credit). To subtract \(m\) from \(n\), apply the {PRD} function \(m\) times to \(n\).
  • For recursion, we need to reference ourselves in a lambda abstraction. This is done using a Y-combinator.
  • The graduate level Theory of Computation (CSCI 561) class talks much more extensively about the \(λ\)-calculus.
  • There are many extensions to the \(λ\)-calculus such as those encoded by the \(λ\)-cube.

Why is any of this Useful?

  • \(λ\)-calculus can emulate a Turing machine. That means that anything you can do with a classical computer, you can do with the \(λ\)-calculus. This fact underpins all of functional programming.
  • Many functional programming languages (e.g., Haskell, Scheme, SlytherLisp) are just practical implementations of the \(λ\)-calculus.
  • The \(λ\)-calculus gives us another perspective on type theory (using the generalization of the \(λ\)-calculus called typed \(λ\)-calculus).
  • It is another way for us to quantify what is computable.